Are you making a big move across the state or country (or maybe even across the pond)? Whatever the reason, if you find yourself traveling a long distance and want to take your car with you, shipping your car could be a good idea. It can be less of a hassle, it prevents unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicle, and it can even be cheaper.
If you’re looking for car shipping quotes on how much it costs to ship your car, you should know where your money will be going. Sometimes a price can be just a number, so breaking it down into different services will make sure you know if you’re getting your money’s worth.
Get the Details
It would be nice if the world was a lot simpler and costs were just a flat rate, but unfortunately, that is not the case. When it comes to shipping your car, there are several factors that can influence the price, and you need to know what those are to get the most out of your money. Some of them are basic services, while some of them may be more exclusive to a certain company.
First of all, a quote to ship your car will depend on the information you provide. What is the make and model of your car? What year is it? Obviously, it is expected that higher-end, newer cars will be a little more expensive to ship because insurance costs will have to cover the newer quality.
Other factors that can affect how much shipping will cost are the size of your car and the means by which you want to transport it. A larger car will cost more because it takes up more space, is heavier, and requires more fuel to move. Additionally, the size of your car can limit how a vehicle is transported.
Many companies will offer both enclosed car transport and open-car transport. Closed transports mean the car is in a closed container and is usually more expensive because they offer added protection. They also are limited by the size of your car because they need to fit the car in the container.
While these are all standard costs that might factor into car shipping quotes, there are some that might be exclusive to certain companies, such as door-to-door delivery and A-to-B tracking. If a company is willing to come to your home to pick up your car, it may cost a bit more, but you may think the convenience is worth it.
Additionally, if a company offers a service that allows you mobile updates while the car is in transit, you should expect to pay for that as well.
Avoid Sticker Shock
If you are searching for car shipping quotes, you should know the factors that can influence the price. Whether it’s something standard such as the make and model of your car, the size of your car, and the method of transit; or something special such as a home pickup or tracking service, knowing what is going into your quote saves unpleasant surprises at the end of the journey.